How to Change the Telephone Number Display Format for International Use
MSI Caller ID software includes the capability to display
telephone numbers in a format different from the USA. A single
INI file is used to control the format and display of telephone
numbers. The file name is CIDDISPL.INI and is stored in the
Windows directory.
The default values, for use in the USA and Canada, for this INI
file are shown below:
DisplayMask=(NNN) NNN-NNNN
If this file does not exist, use NOTEPAD to create the file with
the above values. See below for details on how to edit for
display in your area.
The DisplayFormatNumber variable controls which of a number of
defined formats is to be used. A value of 1 will result in
displays common to the USA and Canada. The value of 6 should be
used to allow for user editing of the DisplayMask variable.
Use the DisplayMask to set the display format you wish. The N
character is used to specify where each digit is displayed. All
other characters display as is. For example the following format
strings would yield the associated displays:
Input number 1234567890
Mask Display
(NNN) NNN-NNNN (123) 456-7890
NNN NNN-NNNN 123 456-7890
NNN NN NN NNN 123 45 67 890
abcde NNN-NNN (NNNN) abcde 123-456 (7890)
The DigitCount variable control the expected total number of
digits for an incoming call. The default value for the US is 10
digits. If you country uses more than 10 digits, then change this
value accordingly.
If you create the CIDDISPL.INI file in the windows directory with
the above entries, the software will use your format mask.