How to Correct for INF Flaw in Supra/Diamond   Modems

CallAudit Voice is the Mountain Systems, Inc. voice mail enabled Caller ID software product. CallAudit Voice includes a extensive array of voice mail options that rely on the voice capabilities of the user's voice MODEM.

When an incoming call is answered, CallAudit Voice replies on a series of modem commands stored in the system registry. There are typically 10-15 commands issued just to start the answer process. This has to occur before any greeting message can be played to the caller.

Windows tracks the status of each such command. In general, if a command fails with a modem ERROR message, windows will typically abandon the remaining commands, stop the answer process, and reinitialize the modem. The result for CallAudit Voice is that the call continues to ring, and no answer or greeting message can play.

On some brands of modem, especially models from Surpa/Diamond, a specific command is quite often present that causes such problems. The command is AT#VSB=1. CallAudit Voice includes an advanced feature that can remove this command from the answer process. Using this option removes this command, which is not required, and allows the answer process to complete without errors.

To enable this option, do the following:

1. Start CallAudit Voice

2. Go to system preferences

3. Go to the CallerID tab

4. Press the Advanced Options button

5. Check the "Remove modem at#vsb=1 command" option

6. Press the OK button

7. Press the OK button

8. Exit and restart the program

9. Test with incoming calls to see if answer works correctly now

10. Send LOGFILE if problem persists

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