How to Add a Modem CallerID Init String

CallerID is a feature supported by MSI software.  Virtually all modems ship with CallerID disabled.  A setup string is required, as part of the modem initialization, to enable CallerID.

Normally this setup string is enabled when the modem is installed in Windows.  However many modems that support CallerID still have this data missing from their driver entries in the Windows registry.

You can directly enter a setup string to be used for your modem directly inside CallAudit.  Perform the following steps:

  1. Start CallAudit
  2. Go to System Preferences
  3. Go to the CallerID tab
  4. Press the Advanced Options button
  5. Check the Enable Modem CID string option
  6. Enter the string for your modem here as an AT command
  7. The screen will appear similar to that shown below

The string entered in step 6 is the string for your modem.  The most common string is AT+VCID=1.  However some modems require a different string.  Other strings that may work include:






Press the OK button when done.  Then exit and restart CallAudit and try another call test.  If you encounter problems during modem initialization, perform the steps above again and use a different string.

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