User Product Re-Registration

From time to time users who purchase MSI software products need to re-register their product.  This can be as a result of a hard drive crash or perhaps a reinstall of Windows.  

When you purchase an MSI software product, you receive an E-Mail message with a product purchase number.  This data can then be used to register your product.

Your purchase number will be similar to:

2001-05-02: 1030000

  To re-register, do the following:

  1. Re-download and install the product

  2. Use the purchase screen to enter your original data, including your name and address info

  3. Instead of the credit card number, enter the following:

## your purchase number

  Then complete the purchase process

  This will register your product using your original purchase number.

  For example, if your original purchase number was 2001-05-02: 1030000, you would enter the following data in the credit card field:

  ##2001-05-02: 1030000

NOTE:  You MUST enter the two # characters before your purchase order number and

must use your original purchase infomation rather than the example shown.


Use the form below to send us your questions about this process..

Use this Form to send an E-Mail message to Mountain Systems on questions about user registration.




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