CallAudit revision: Version 6.0 - Build 602-1
The above software update
files will update the current installed program to the
most current version shown above. You must have
previously installed the complete software for these
updates to be used.
you want to upgrade to version 6.0, you must first
install the complete product from either the trial
download or product CD. Just downloading and
applying the 6.0 update to an existing 5.0
installation will have no effect.
Update files are self
extracting EXE files based on WinZip. When
executed, they display as a small dialog with a Setup
option. When the Setup option is selected the
program will perform the following steps:
Display product being
Search the user system
for the required product, (Demo users may use
Demo update files only)
Perform the software
update and database conversion
Most update files are
approximately 2.0 to 3.0 MB is size. If your
download is smaller than this, you probably have an
incomplete file. |