Technical Support - Database Problems

From time to time a user may experience database related problems.  These are most commonly seen with problems at program startup with error messages about corrupt databases.  This is usually not due to a bad database, but missing support files that prevent any database from being opened.
  • Database support files re-install.  This update will re-install all the files associated with the program database.  In some cases these files may be deleted or missing from other PC actions.  This update will reinstall all needed database files.  Download the update and run the resulting EXE on your PC system.

  • Database support files re-install for older MSI productsl .  This update will re-install all the files associated with the program database used with older versions of CallAudit (3.0 and earlier).  In some cases these files may be deleted or missing from other PC actions.  This update will reinstall all needed database files.  Download the update and run the resulting EXE on your PC system.

  • Areacode.mdb database file.  This file supports the city, state and zip code lookup for incoming calls.  When a call occurs, the program uses the data included here to locate the city, state, and zip code of the caller using the caller area code and exchange.














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