PC Editor for FCB1010
A Windows based PC editor has been developed for use with the FCB1010. It can be downloaded from here. A standard Windows help file for the PC Editor can be downloaded here.
Info on the Beta PC Editor, which supports stomp box mode for UnO firmware, is located here.
To use the editor you must have the following:
Shown below is the basic display for the PC Editor:
The normal steps for use includes the following:
The PC Editor Help file includes some additional information on this process.
The Read SysEx and WriteSysEx buttons are used to read and write existing SysEx files directly from/to the PC. This allows a simple way to save your changes and preset names directly to a user specified file name.
Press the Read SysEx button to read an existing SysEx file into the editor.
Press the WriteSysEx button to save the current SysEx preset settings and preset names to a file on the PC.
The Transmit SysEx and Receive SysEx features use a PC MIDI interface to upload and download data directly to/from the FCB1010. Using these assumes you have a PC MIDI interface that is compatible with the editor software. If you encounter problems with this approach you can also use the SendEX approach (outlined below) to send/receive data.
PC Editor Use Details
The above steps are the basics for using the PC Editor to program your FCB.
Steps 1 and 4 involve downloading and uploading data from/to your FCB unit. A PC MIDI Interface unit is required for this step. The PC Editor can directly download/upload data to/from the FCB1010 or a utility like SendEX can be used. Use the PC Editor Receive SysEx and Transmit SysEx buttons to perform these tasks completely within the PC Editor.
The PC Editor includes other convenience functions that may be useful for many users. Bank and Preset copy/swap functions are included to make it easy to copy or swap bank and/or preset values. A user Preset Name field is also included to allow the user to name each preset. While this preset name information cannot be stored in the FCB1010, it is saved and restored for PC based operation.
Preset Names
The Editor can also save user entered preset names with each preset. Enter the preset name desired in the Preset Name field. This data is stored only on the PC and cannot be stored in the FCB1010, which has no text name support. This provides an easy way to document each preset with text data to describe the nature and/or source of the preset.
Bank Copy/Swap Functions
The PC Editor also supports preset copy and/or swap at the bank level. This makes it easy to copy an entire bank of presets to another bank.
Use the Copy Bank and Copy Preset button from the main display for these functions. See the program Help file for further details.
SendEX Use
Some users may prefer to use a separate utility to send/receive SysEx data to/from their FCB. Some may need to use this approach is the Editor software cannot work correctly with their MIDI PC interface.
SendEX is a small utility that is included with the PC Editor download. SendEX allows you to receive the downloaded FCB data and then save to a PC SYX file. This file is then loaded into the PC editor in step 2. Shown below is an example image from SendEx.
Your downloaded FCB data will appear in the Midi In window. The File menu can be used to save the result to a PC xxx.sys file (where xxx is a name you choose).
In step 4 you will save your changed FCB data to another PC file. It is suggested you use a different file name than used in step 1. Again the SendEX File menu is used to load the file data into the MIDI out window. The Send (F4) button is then used to send the data back to your FCB.
Section 2.2 of the Behringer manual outline the basics for the FCB portion of the download/upload process. Once in global configuration mode, buttons 6 and 7 on the FCB are used in this process.
The PC Interface is a separate small hardware device that allows your PC to communicate with MIDI based hardware. The initial PC MIDI interfaces sold were game port based. Today many interface units are USB based. You can usually purchase a basic MIDI interface for less than $50. The EDIROL UM-1 is an example of one low cost simple USB based interface unit. Examples include:
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