How to Update City and State Location

MSI software users have the capability to enter their own custom area code exchange and city/state location table for city state lookup. This allows the user to enter new area codes and/or exchanges with the corresponding city and state.

The file AREACODE.TXT can be created by the user in the CallAudit program directory. Each area code/exchange is listed on a separate line in the form:

xxx yyy : cccc,ss

where xxx is the area code, yyy is the exchange, and cccc is the city and ss is the state. The city and state should be entered in the form of:

city, state

Note that the comma is required to separate the city from state portion.

For example, to add the 676 exchange for Abingdon Virginia (Abingdon is located in the 540 area code) the data line would appear as:

540 676 : Abingdon,VA

To enter more than one area code/exchange/city, enter each location on a separate data line in the file.

Note that this data is used first and overrides any existing data in the internal program table. Data in the internal table that is incorrect can be avoided byplacing the correct entries in this table.

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