How to Troubleshoot Problems with a Diamond - Supra MODEM with CallAudit Voice

NEW INFORMATION: How to Correct for INF Flaw in Supra/Diamond Modemsnew005.gif (1556 bytes)Arpil 22, 1999

Recently MSI has received numerous reports of CallAudit Voice being unable to initialize the newest Diamond - Supra 56K and 112K MODEMS.   Inspection of users installation files, (.INF) files shows a possible error in one section of the INF files, seldom used by other applications, but critical for CallAudit Voice to operate. 

Mountain Systems is working with Diamond and hopes to have the error resolved shortly.  If you are having problems with your Diamond/Supra modem and CallAudit Voice, please send a note to Mountain Systems Technical Support with the details of your error.   Your data could be very helpful in troubleshooting this error.

Also monitor  Diamond's website for recently update INF files,

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