How to Reset the Line Numbers on a Zeus 4-Line Device

The best way to reset the line number on a Zeus 4-Line device is to use a terminal program. In Windows 3.X, the TERMINAL program (usually in the accessories folder) can be used. In Windows 95 the HyperTerminal program can be used.

To use HyperTerminal do the following:

1) Select "HyperTerminal" by navigating through the Start button to "Programs," then "Accessories," then "HyperTerminal"
2) Double click on "hyperterm" or "hyperterm.exe"
3) Name the new connection "test," and select OK
4) Change the "connect using" to Direct to COM X, were X is the COM port used by the Zeus 4-Line Device
5) Click on OK on the screen for port settings

At this point you should have a blinking cursor.

Type the following commands, paying careful attention to the case:


The Zeus 4-Line Device should now be set for lines 1 through 4. The "e" command turns the echo on so you can see what you are typing. The "R" command resets the device. The L01 sets the beginning line number to 1. Note that you must push enter after the "L01" command.

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